Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Quotes

The following is a series of quotes I have made up over the past year to express my ideas and core beliefs. They provide an insight beneficial to understanding who I am and what I aim to achieve. It is my hope that you the reader will be able to find peace, wisdom, happiness and inspiration in these words.

Creation over destruction, Co-operation and compassion over competition and conflict

Experiences over Possessions

Love breeds love, hate breeds hate.

Attack nobody, fear no retaliation

Everyday reality always travels at the same pace. Move with it, absorb it. Do not attempt to rush it. You can enjoy ever second if you try.

A wise person's primary goal is to seeks happiness not wealth

Present someone with kindness and you are rewarded with their happiness. With their happiness they are more likely to repay you with kindness and so the circle continues.

If someone is annoying you perhaps you need to look at your own flaws rather than theirs. If you are truly above them you will remain uneffected.

Never lose contact with the Earth. It is where we came from and who we are. Every blade of grass, every drop of rain, every twig and every rock holds intricate and infinite beauty if you just take the time to study them.

Even if you don't believe in karma its laws are beneficial to live by. Be harmonious with karma and allow others to deal with theirs on their own accord. There is no need to seek revenge. In harming somebody you only serve to harm yourself.

A victory without sound moral action is not a victory at all.

Never limit your possibilities. Don't say, "I can't do that because.....". Say, "I can do that if....".

What is worth more: A child's life, a new luxury car, the preservation of our natural environment, alcohol for the weekend, world peace or your appearance? We as individuals must put our wealth and interests where they are truly needed. Every action counts.

Through the selfless act of giving to people in need, and by giving back to the world we are delivered into an inner sense of fulfillment, happiness and well-being. This far exceeds any satisfaction brought about through only giving to oneself.

If you're deeply passionate about something you must do whatever it takes to achieve it. Confront your fears as they come along. They will only serve to make you stronger in the end. Don't give up on your dreams.

To feel anger or frustration is to be at war with yourself not at war with what has caused it. Analyse your feelings and see things for what they truly are. In that lies the cure.

Happiness and well-being are the keys to life. Search for them in everything you do and you shall live fulfilled.

Aim to show unconditional love and goodwill toward all living things. Aim to receive unconditional love and goodwill from all living things.

Give back to the Earth whatever you can. We owe everything to it including our lives, our futures and our children's futures.

The clouds in the sky will only once pass us by

Too much jewelry will only serve to weigh you down

One has a right to defend oneself but never to the point where defence becomes offence

Ask before accusation

Anger and violence are for the weak of will, for those who thoughtlessly submit to emotion and not logic and for those who cannot reach rational solutions to their problems.

Secretly everybody just wants to be happy

It is better to try to peacefully persuade people to accept your views rather than to force them to accept. It is better that they come to their own conclusion rather than you forcing them one way or another. You listening to their ideas and opinions even if you believe them wrong is just as important as them listening tou your ideas and opinions. Persuade and you will have planted a seed in their mind. This seed will either stay just a seed or it will grow and spread to other minds. Force and the seed dies. They will become the enemy of both you and your ideologies. The latter is of no help to either of you.

Often people want to embrace and maintain their anger when they find themselves in a bad situation. They do this in order to express and reinforce the unhappiness they have experienced. My aim is always happiness; to hold onto anger only harms us, feeding our minds and bodies with a cocktail of harmful chemicals and signals that only escalate our problems. Let go and be free. This is the perfect state.

Defeat ego, project outwardly

Who is to say how you should live your life? Nobody can truly decide that but you.

Becoming more happy or becoming a different person is a choice just like putting the bins out.

Your body is your vehicle through life. It is an amazing tool. Take care of it. Never under-estimate it.

The everyday bad things in life are usually as bad as they are because we choose to make them that way.

We can't expect to justify the seemingly pointlessness of life. Just enjoy it and that enjoyment will hold meaning enough.

Learn from your mistakes and become rich in knowledge and happiness. Never learn and remain poor and miserable.

Accept that there will be problems you will have to deal with. Accept that you'll learn from these problems.

If you're deeply passionate about something do whatever it takes to achieve it. Don't give up on your dreams for your dreams are everything.

Never rely on anybody else. It is up to you to take life's wheel and steer

Forgive everyone who has and will wrong you. Ensure the people who you wrong will forgive you.

Scared of being rejected? Why if you haven't been rejected yet? Why if you have nothing to lose? The more fear you confront the more courage you gain.

It is normal to be not normal for what is normality but the unobtainable perception of an individual

Beyond the molecular construct we are all energy. Living or dead, solid, liquid or gas everything around us is energy. Where do we stop and the rest of the universe begin? In essence we touch the furthest reaches of space because we are connected to the furthest reaches of space. We are everything and everything is us.

There are no problems in the world only challenges

Sometimes you worry about things a child would laugh about. Sometimes a child worries about things you would laugh about.

You only live once. Contribute as much as you can to the Earth while you are still here

Don't say that which you aren't prepared to do

Confront your fears. If you succeed that is good. You've achieved your goal. If you fail that is good. You now know you must take a different approach.

Seek not praise, seek out kindness without reward

Find the good, love and happiness in everything and nothing

Duality doesn't exist. There is no you and them. We are all one and the same.

Persist, persist, persist and eventually someone will take notice of you no matter who you are.

Don't worry when others are doing wrong. Become a candle in the darkness and ensure that you are doing right.

Fear is an error in the mind not a natural state. When we experience fear we must realise that we have reached an area in which we must grow in order to correct our system.

Pain is the evidence that we should choose harmony over harm and life over death. We are designed to survive and be happy.

If you must retaliate let laughter, impartiality and good living be your weapons

Everything you see, touch, taste, smell and hear is a perception in the mind. Who is to say it is real? Can anyone truly prove to you that they are real? Could your reality be a dream within a dream within a dream? If it is all just a dream should you worry about what others think of you?

In the vastness of our physical universe nothing is permanent except change.

A few simple quotes (Not my own)

Open heart, open mind

Waste not, want not

Form follows function

Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Less is more

We create our own reality

Use small steps. In weight training you don't go straight up to the heaviest weights and expect to lift them. You work your way up to them little by little.

4 things you can't take back
- Words spoken
- An opportunity missed
- A love lost
- An arrow spent

Friday, September 28, 2007

Links to a Better World:

Greenpeace Australia -Defending our Planet

Get Up! - Action for Australia

Sea Shepherd Australia -Protecting marine wildlife worldwide

GreenPower -Make the Switch

Green Fleet -Offsetting your car's emissions

Lookle Search to Donate to Oz Charities (select Greenpeace)

One Click @ a Time -Save the world with 1 click

Ripple -View ads to fight poverty

World Overpopulation Awareness -Why population matters

World Wildlife Fund -For a living planet

The Wilderness Society -Defending Australia's WildCountry

Friends of the Earth Aust -Promoting a healthy and just world

Clean Up Australia -Keeping Australia Beautiful

Planet Ark -Helping you reduce environmental impact

Save Water Aust -Save water, save the world

CERES -The community environmental park

Friends of Merri Creek - Restoring & protecting the Creek

Parks Victoria - Healthy parks, healthy people

Nuclear Free Australia -Eliminate nuclear worldwide

ICAN -Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Oxfam Aust -Solving poverty & social injustice

Amnesty Aust -Promoting and defending human rights

Make Poverty History Aust -Halving poverty by 2015

Plan Australia -Be a part of it. End child poverty

UNICEF Aust -For every child